Inserting the filter fleece

Insert the core sleeve supplied into the fleece roll. Insert the core sleeve with the filter fleece into the round cut-out in the side panels. The filter fleece must be unwound from the top.

Guide the jig with the slit facing forwards through the fleece filter with slight pressure under the crossbars. The curvature of the jig points downwards. The jig protrudes from the back of the fleece filter.

Fold the beginning of the filter fleece into a triangle and pass it approx. 10 cm through the slit in the jig. Spread out the folded fleece again.

Pull the jig with the threaded filter fleece to the front through the fleece filter. Separate the jig from the filter fleece.

To fix the filter fleece on the dirt fleece shaft, insert the filter fleece into the slot using the jig. Ensure a parallel, constant pull.

Wrap the filter fleece approx. 2-3 times around the dirt fleece shaft. Make sure that it is pulled in straight. Insert the dirt fleece shaft into the cut-outs in the side parts.

Regulate the flow rate

The bypass slide can be adjusted to regulate the flow rate.

  1. Loosen the wing screw of the bypass slide with one turn.
  2. Adjust the bypass slide to the desired position.
  3. Fix the wing screw of the bypass slide.
  • By opening the bypass slider, higher flow rates than those specified can be achieved. The filtering result will decrease.
  • If the bypass slider is opened at normal maximum flow rate, part of the water will bypass the filter fleece. The filter result becomes worse.
  • The flow rate through the filter fleece must always be at least 1/3 of the specified maximum flow rate.

Remove the dirty filter fleece

  1. Cut off the filter fleece.
  2. Remove the dirt fleece shaft from the filter.
  3. Wipe the dirty filter fleece off to the side.

Hint: If the filter fleece is difficult to detach, take the dirt fleece shaft at the gear wheel and tap the opposite side lightly on a hard surface. The filter fleece is loosened by the knocking.

Hint: To avoid malfunctions, the dirty filter fleece must be regularly removed from the dirt fleece shaft.


The filter must be cleaned regularly and checked for foreign matter (e.g. snails). If there are foreign substances in the filter, it or the filter fleece can be damaged. The cleaning interval depends on:

  • Flow rate
  • Type of filter medium (salt water or fresh water)
  • Degree of pollution of the aquarium system

The cleaning interval must not exceed 6 months.


ProblemPossible cause
Der Vliesfilter macht Geräusche wenn frisches Filtervlies eingelegt istDas Filtervlies ist noch nicht gesättigt, somit ist der Wasserstand im Vliesfilter noch nicht angestiegen. Die Geräusche verschwinden selbstständig, sobald das Filtervlies eine Sättigung erreicht und der Wasserstand im Vliesfilter steigt.
The water escaping at the back causes noisesThe back of the fleece filter does not touch the technical tank.
The filter fleece is not wrapped up straight- The inlet pipework is not aligned straight.
- The fleece filter is not aligned horizontally.
- The filter fleece is not inserted parallel into the dirt fleece shaft and pulls at an angle.
The dirt fleece shaft jumps, thus the filter fleece is not transportedThe configuration of the dirt fleece shaft and the electronics unit is not correct. See "Changing the side of the electronics unit"
Das Wasser läuft über den NotüberlaufDer Vliesvorschub wurde blockiert und der Motor hat selbstständig abgeschaltet. Die Blockade entfernen und den Vliesfilter reinigen. Sobald der Niveauschalter nicht mehr betätigt ist, wird dieser zurückgesetzt. Bei erneuter Betätigung von mindestens einer Sekunde wird der Motor gestartet.